Friday, September 9, 2011

*SLICE BACKHAND* | Why The Traditional (Slice Backhand) Is Messing You Up The slice backhand is a shot that few have mastered. I am here to tell you that if you are having trouble with your slice backhand.... IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.... It is your traditional coaching that is screwing up your slice backhand. Most traditional coaches will teach you to swing and extend out towards your target are your slice backhand. If you watch Federer, Nadal, Djokovic or any top player, you are going to see them swing across their bodies instead of out towards the target on the slice backhand. When hitting the slice backhand, try and get more of the inside of the ball. Getting inside the ball on the slice backhand will help you control the ball and keep it low against your opponent. Next time you try to hit your slice backhand, try and swing across your body and get the inside of the ball. Like always please leave your comments below and let me know how this tip works out on your slice backhand. http
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